More than two thirds of Scotland’s active Christian community say their faith influenced their vote in the Scottish ...
Ten years on from the independence reference, the new divide in Scottish politics is between those who have moved on – and ...
Pro-independence figures have spent a decade insisting that their defeat was a battle lost in a war they were sure of winning. If that were true, ...
We’ve spent much of this week looking back over the 10 years since the independence referendum on 1814.  Despite a clear ...
The Scottish Currency Group Conference, which takes place in Dunfermline on 21-22 September, brings together economists, ...
So John Swinney complains about cutting the winter fuel allowance for pensioners. Fair enough, you may say (though he ruins it by citing it as ...
Unionists have failed to move on from the 2014 ‘project fear’ idea that Scotland is too broken, useless and dependent on ...
A DECADE on from the 2014 indy referendum, the question of Scottish independence and the debate surrounding the country’s future still ...
IN the 10 years since the Scottish independence referendum, political events have made many people change their view on the country's ...
It’s the first week back from summer recess at the Scottish Parliament and it’s been a busy one ... and then First Minister’s Questions. For Foysol Choudhury, who has only been an MSP since 2021, it ...